We live in a world where the smart internet tells you where to buy your new shoes while you are telling your smart home via your smart phone to close the windows – obviously your smart phone picked up its going to rain this afternoon.
The future is already here, and its smart! And your farm wants to be smart as well: It wants to buy you new stock, switch off the sprayers if its going to rain, keep count of your diesel usage and produce crop maps.
But just as your smart phone, smart home and smart fridge depends on wireless internet connection to be so smart, so does your farm.
In order to automate any process and transfer information smart farms require communication networks across the entire farm. It depends on running its services on a reliable wireless network that can control every cost and source of income on their farms, generate soil humidity and pest frequency data, produces topographical maps, conserve energy and save water. Wireless communication plays a critical role in all smart farm projects and farms very often start building a wireless network as a first step towards becoming a smarter farm.
No matter where you are or what you’re trying to achieve, the first step to building any smart farm is to implement robust, reliable, and high speed wireless networks.
But the aspiring smart farm has good fortune: TWK Communications has already established a strong, highly connected and smart wireless infrastructure, supported by a robust fibre network, that will allow any farm to manage its farm sensors, from sustainability and efficiency within machinery, energy, water and waste to collecting data about nitrogen levels, crop yields, soil moisture and planting performance.
TWK has enlisted a full suite of cutting-edge network technologies, making it easy for farmers to meet the challenges of the smart farm. They can provide the building blocks needed to develop a robust connectivity ecosystem with access to a range of technologies at the onset, from fixed line to wireless.
They embrace the challenges that smart farms put forward and builds holistic solutions that would not only meet the requirements, but also allow for scaling of services and leave room for new technologies to plug in and excel in the required environment.
TWK Communications prides itself on developing several innovative and highly specialised network deployment solutions in urban, suburban and rural areas. Over the past eleven years the network experience gained by TWK provided a strong knowledge framework which, combined with an aggressive problem-solving attitude and the tenacity of a dedicated and focused team, has resulted in several successful but immensely challenging installations.
The clear answer to ensuring sustainability and quality-of-life in rural areas today, and tomorrow, is TWK’s wireless solutions, which can run the full spectrum from simple connected switches and advanced soil sensors to precision agriculture software and dedicated farming ERPs.
Being on the verge of changing the South African communications technology landscape, TWK is confident in building its wireless infrastructure and communications network as the backbone of this challenging smart environment driven by smart connections and services.
TWK subscribe to the ICASA Code of Conduct that governs all electronic communication services in South Africa. We are committed to this standard of best practice pertaining to the services of an internet service provider.
Download a copy of ICASA’s Code of Conduct.
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